3-Solutions to the Issue

Suicide by Pesticide - Solutions to the Issue

What can be done?

The best way to reduce the negative effects of pesticides is to prevent and minimize the use of them. This can be achieved through many ways. Spreading awareness of the issue through campaign posters is a great starting point. As more citizens realize the ill effects and turn against the use of pesticides, the more traction and power we hold to petition for controls and regulations. Exemplar campaign posters are included in the above post.

The Pest Management Regulatory Agency
 in Canada has the power to ban and control matters relating to the environment. Send the director of the PMRA, Richard Aucoin, a letter expressing your concern for the overuse of pesticides. The PMRA could add indirect taxes to pesticides, negatively advertise the use of pesticides, or ban certain pesticides altogether. The economics behind these actions are explained a separate post. Canada has already set out plans to ban Neonicotinoids in 2018, but they have not acted upon those plans as of now. 

Educate farmers about safer alternatives to pesticides. Biopesticides are mostly composed of biodegradable plant or animal based repellents and are not as concentrated in their toxicity. These green alternatives are becoming more accessible to farmers as research develops. Smart growing methods like crop rotation and companion farming prevents mass infestation. Companion farming involves planting different crops close to each other to repel different pests for the mutual benefit of all crops.